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De generaties vóór Thomas Sleijster

1. Oud: De eerste vijf generaties 1600-1800 | 2. Ouder: De Leicester stamreeks 967-16003. Oudst: Van Thomas tot Adam
4. Een kort historisch overzicht over Leicester 1585-1588 | 5. De Armada 1588 | 6. Capt. Treffry

2. De generaties vóór Thomas Sleijster

We hebben gezien dat het oudste gegeven dat we in de archieven konden vinden was: het huwelijk van
 Thomas Sleijsser/Sleijster in Zutphen in 1625

Van 1600 terug naar 967
In oktober 2004 echter vond ik de website van Jessica Lynn Boutilier.
Jessica is de achterkleindochter van Grietje Sleijster uit Heerde (Zt3). Haar familieonderzoek op www.angelfire.com/freak2/jessicaross_1/aqwg01.htm#1 start met Jessica zelf en het eindigt met de Graaf van Anjou in het jaar 967.

Van 967 terug naar 4046 v.Chr. 
Na de Graaf van Anjou is via andere websites vervolgens de stamreeks te vinden naar Adam. Wat moeten we daarvan denken? Is een stamreeks van Thomas Sleijster tot Adam wel betrouwbaar? Inderdaad zijn de bronnen niet allemaal zeker. De lange reeksen van Oost-Frankische en Oost-Europese Sicambrische koningen en vervolgens de Trojaanse koningen bevatten legendarische elementen. De Trojaan Ilius zou rechtstreeks afstammen van Zerah de zoon van Juda en Tamar (Genesis 38). Klik hier voor de stamreeks van Thomas tot Adam...
In deze stamboom wordt aangenomen dat Robert Dudley, graaf van Leicester, de vader van Thomas Sleijster is.
En hoewel daar geen keihard bewijs voor is te vinden, is daar toch veel voor te zeggen. Behalve de mondelinge overleveringen in de (oudste) familie, die toch wel heel geloofwaardig zijn, is er de klank van de naam. Leicester wordt uitgesproken als Lester of Leister. Daar komt bij dat Thomas Sergeant in het leger van Leicester was. De herleiding van de naam naar SLeister ligt dan voor de hand (Son of Leister / Sergeant of Leister).


Stamreeks van de graaf van Leicester, Robert Dudley (967-1600)

Op www.angelfire.com/freak2/jessicaross_1/aqwg29.htm#445 vinden we Thomas Sleijster.
 ( Helaas is de website van Jessica inmiddels verdwenen.
   - zie http://www.genealogy.com/users/b/o/u/Jessica-L-Boutilier/ftitree.html
      en http://newsarch.rootsweb.com/th/read/BOUTILIER/2005-10/1129903511  
   Hieronder is de kopie te vinden.)

Graaf van Leicester, Robert Dudley
Als je op Jessica's website bij Thomas Sleijster klikte op de button Parents kwam je bij de vader van Thomas: Graaf van Leicester, Robert Dudley, geboren in 1533 in Engeland. Bij Robert Dudley staat vermeld: trouwde met "een getrouwde vrouw".
In totaal trouwde Robert drie keer en kreeg (officieel) geen kinderen.

Zijn eerste huwelijk was met Amy Robsart, die in 1560 stierf door een val van de trap. Roberts vijanden zeiden dat zij mogelijk door hem vermoord was; zij werd begraven in de Universiteitskerk van de Heilige Maagd Maria in Oxford.

Robert Dudley - Graaf van Leicester - 1587 Robert werd 1st Graaf van Leicester in 1564

Zijn tweede huwelijk was in 1573 maar dit was een geheim huwelijk met Douglas Howard. Er wordt gezegd dat hij Elizabeth I in 1575 onthaalde op zijn vestiging in Kenilworth Castle, S of Coventry (voorheen bezit van John of Gaunt, nu een ruïne)

Zijn derde huwelijk was in 1578 (eveneens geheim en bigamistisch) met Lettice Knollys (weduwe van Walter Devereux, 1st Graaf van Essex en moeder van Penelope Devereux). Robert werd stiefvader van Robert Devereux, 2e Graaf van Essex, hij bouwde een van de grootste collecties van portretten op, zijn neef Sir Philip Sidney schreef The Lady of May waarschijnlijk in 1578 om zijn en Leicester's belangen bij de koningin te promoten, hij werd in 1588 benoemd om de strijdkrachten tegen de Spaanse Armada aan te voeren, maar hij overleed in 1588 op de leeftijd van 56 jaar en werd begraven in de Kerk van de Heilige Maria in Warwick.

Naar Nederland
In 1585 werd Robert benoemd als aanvoeder van de Engelse strijdkrachten in Nederland. Nederland was in opstand tegen de heerschappij van Filips II, en de Engelsen hielpen de Nederlanders in hun campagne. Robert verbleef in Nederland tot 1587, hoewel hij gedurende de crisis van koningin Mary van Schotland terugkeerde in 1586/7, en hij was in Engeland toen Mary geëxecuteerd werd. De Engelse betrokkenheid bij Nederland was niet bijzonder succesvol, en toen hij niet permanent terugkeerde, ontving hij een boel kritiek op zijn acties hier.

Hoe dan ook, voorlopig was hij niet een voorspoedig man,waarschijnlijk lijdend aan maagkanker, en zijn dagen waren geteld. Na de nederlaag van de Armada reisde hij naar Buxton om te proberen heil te vinden bij de genezende wateren daar, maar dat heeft hij niet gehaald. Hij stierf in zijn huis in Oxfordshire op 4 september 1588. Elizabeth was gebroken door het verlies haar oude vriend en compagnon, en sloot naar men zegt zichzelf enkele dagen op in haar appartement. Zij bewaarde de brief die hij haar enkele dagen voor zijn dood had gezonden als een schat, en schreef erop: "Zijn laatste brief". Zij stopte die in haar juwelenkist en daar verbleef hij tot haar dood 15 jaar later.

Slechts weinigen deelden haar rouw. Zijn vijanden zeiden dat de vreugde bij het verslaan van de Armada niets was vergeleken bij de vreugde bij het nieuws van Robert's dood. Hij kreeg een begrafenis die paste bij een edelman en werd begraven in de Beauchamp Chapel of St/ Mary'd Church in Warwick.

Meer weten over Robert Dudley, die later vaak Leicester genoemd werd?
     (Deze website probeert te bewijzen dat Robert Dudley geen nakomelingen had)
http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/people/DUDL309.htm (many links)

Als we dus mogen aannemen dat Thomas Sleijster een zoon was van Leicester, is hij geboren tussen 1584 en 1588. We weten dat hij getrouwd is in 1625. Vervolgens kunnen we de familiestamboom uitbreiden tot aan de Graaf van Anjou, geboren in het jaar 967. En vervolgens kunnen we de stamboom zelfs uitbreiden naar Adam en Eva.

Hieronder vervolgen we de stamreeks met Robert Dudley's ouders
John Dudley en Jane Guildford
(kopie van de website van Jessica):

31744. Duke Northumberland John Dudley, was born 1502 in Warwick, Sussex, England. He died 22 May 1553 in Tower Hill, London, Middlesex, England. Duke Northumberland John Dudley married Duchess of Northumberland Jane GUILDFORD on 1530 in Holden, Kent, England.

31745. Duchess of Northumberland Jane GUILDFORD, was born 1504 in The South Ports, Northumberland, England. She died 22 Jan 1554/1555 in Chelsea, Middlesex, England.

Now we can continue with her p

63490. Edward GUILDFORD was born C. 1474 in Offington, Sussex, England. He married Eleanor West .

63491. Eleanor West was born C. 1481 in Offington, Sussex, England. [Parents]

parents were: 

126982. Thomas West was born 1457 in Offington, Sussex, England. He married Elizabeth Mortimer on c. 1478.

126983. Elizabeth Mortimer was born C. 1459 in Mortimer Hall, Hampshire, England. She died after 10 May 1536.

parents were:

253966. Hugh Mortimer was born C. 1429 in Mortimer Hall, Hampshire, England. He married Eleanor De Cornwall.

253967. Eleanor De Cornwall was born C. 1428 in Burford, Shropshire, England.

Her parents were:

507934. Edmund De Cornwall was born C. 1382 in Burford, Shropshire, England. He died C.1443 in Cologne, France. Edmund De Cornwall married Elizabeth Barre.  [Parents]

507935. Elizabeth Barre was born C. 1412 in Y Barri, Glamorganshire, Wales. She died 1468.

His parents were:

1015868. Richard De Cornwall was born 1360 in Burford, Shropshire, England. He died 10 Jan 1442/1443 in Burford, Shropshire, England. Richard De Cornwall married Cecelia Merbury on c. 1381. [Parents]

1015869. Cecelia Merbury "Alice" was born C. 1364 in Weobley, Herfordshire, England. She died 1417.

His parents were:

2031736. Geoffrey De Cornwall was born C. 1335 in Burford, Shropshire, England. He died 18 May 1365 in Burford, Shropshire, England. Geoffrey De Cornwall married Cecelia Seymour on c. 1354. [Parents] 

2031737. Cecelia Seymour was born C. 1337 in Burford, Shropshire, England. She died 26 Jul 1369 in Burford, Shropshire, England.

His parents were:

4063472. Richard De Cornwall was born 1311 in Burford, Shropshire, England. He died Oct 1343 in Burford, Shropshire, England. Richard De Cornwall married Sibella BODRUGAN on 1344 in Burford, Shropshire, England. [Parents] 

4063473. Sibella BODRUGAN was born C. 1315 in Burford, Shropshire, England. She died Apr 1349 in Burford, Shropshire, England.

His parents were:

8126944. Geoffrey De Cornwall was born C. 1288 in Burford, Shropshire, England. He died 1335. Geoffrey De Cornwall married Margaret Mortimer. [Parents] 

8126945. Margaret Mortimer was born 14 Sep 1295 in Richard's Castle, Herfrdshire, England. She died 1345.

His parents were:

16253888. Richard PLANTAGENET was born C. 1252 in Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England. He died 1296 in Berwick, Northumberland, England. Richard PLANTAGENET married Joan Saint Owen on c. 1279 in Cornwall, England. [Parents] 

16253889. Joan Saint Owen was born C. 1260 in Winchester, Hampshire, England.

His parents were:

32507776. King of the Romans Richard PLANTAGENET was born 5 Jan 1208/1209 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. He died 2 Apr 1272 in Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England. King of the Romans Richard PLANTAGENET married Countess Of Province? Sancha Province on 23 Nov 1243 in Westminster Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex, England.

Richard 1256 England?. [Parents] 

32507777. Countess Of Province? Sancha Province was born C. 1225 in Aix En Provence. She died 9 Nov 1261 in Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England.

His parents were:

65015552. King Of England John Lackland ANGEVIN was born 24 Dec 1167 in Beaumont Castle, Oxford, England. He died 19 Oct 1216 in Newark Castle, Nottinghamshire, England and was buried in Cathedral, Worcester, Worcestershire, England. King Of Egland John Lackland ANGEVIN married Isabel De Taillefer on 24 Aug 1200 in Bordeaux, France.

John 1199 England [from: http://www.angelfire.com/freak2/jessicaross_1/aqwg47.htm#417]


65015552. King Of England John Lackland ANGEVIN

1167-1216, king of England (1199-1216); youngest son of HENRY II. After his brother RICHARD I left on the Third CRUSADE, John conspired unsuccessfully with PHILIP II of France to supplant Richard as king. On Richard's death, John ascended the throne to the exclusion of his nephew ARTHUR I of Brittany, who, with the aid of Philip II, began a revolt in France. Although Arthur was captured (1202), John lost many of his French possessions to Philip. John's refusal to accept a new archbishop of Canterbury led to his excommunication (1209). To regain papal favor, he surrendered (1213) his kingdom to Pope INNOCENT III, and received it back as a papal fief. In England his abuse of feudal custom in raising money aroused intense opposition from the barons. They rebelled in 1215 and compelled John to set his seal to the MAGNA CARTA. He was succeeded by his son HENRY III. 

John (reigned 1199-1216) was an able administrator interested in law and government but he neither trusted others nor was trusted by them. Heavy taxation, disputes with the Church (John was excommunicated by the Pope in 1209) and unsuccessful attempts to recover his French possessions made him unpopular. Many of his barons rebelled and in June 1215 they forced the King to sign a peace treaty accepting their reforms. 
This treaty, later known as Magna Carta, limited royal powers, defined feudal obligations between the King and the barons, and guaranteed a number of rights. The most influential clauses concerned the freedom of the Church; the redress of grievances of owners and tenants of land; the need to consult the Great Council of the Realm so as to prevent unjust taxation; mercantile and trading relationships; regulation of the machinery of justice so that justice be denied to no one; and the requirement to control the behaviour of royal officials. The most important clauses established the basis of habeas corpus ('you have the body'), i.e. that no one shall be imprisoned except by due process of law, and that 'to no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice'. 

The Charter also established a council of barons who were to ensure that the Sovereign observed the Charter, with the right to wage war on him if he did not. Magna Carta was the first formal document insisting that the Sovereign was as much under the rule of law as his people; and that the rights of individuals were to be upheld even against the wishes of the sovereign. As a source of fundamental constitutional principles, Magna Carta came to be seen as an important definition of aspects of English law, and in later centuries as the basis of the liberties of the English people. 

As a peace treaty Magna Carta was a failure and the rebels invited Louis of France to become their king. When John died in 1216 England was in the grip of civil war.

65015553. Isabel De Taillefer was born 1188 in Angouleme, France. She died 31 May 1246 in Fontevrault, France.

( Her parents were:
  130031106. Count of Angouleme Aymer De Taillefer was born 1113/1159. He died 1158/1238   Count of Angouleme Aymer De Taillefer married Alice De France? on 1153/1195.
  and 130031107. Alice De France? was born 1120/1162. She died 1158/1244. [Parents] 
               Her parents were:
               260062214. Pierre De France? was born 1090/1100.)

His parents were:

130031104. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle ANGEVIN was born 25 Mar 1133 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. He died 8 Jul 1189 in Chinon, Normandy, France. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle ANGEVIN married Eleanore D'AQUITAINE on 18 May 1152 in Bordeaux, Gironde, France.

Henry 1150 Normandy. He 1154 England. [Parents] 

130031104. King Of England Henry II Curtmantle ANGEVIN

Henry II, 1133-89 (r.1154-89), was the son of Matilda and GEOFFREY IV, count of Anjou. Founder of the Angevin, or Plantagenet, line, he became duke of Normandy in 1150 and in 1152 married ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE, thus gaining vast territories in France. In 1153 he invaded England and forced STEPHEN to acknowledge him as his heir. As king he restored order to war-ravaged England, subdued the barons, centralized the power of government in royalty, and strengthened royal courts. Henry's desire to increase royal authority brought him into conflict with THOMAS à BECKET, whom he had made (1162) archbishop of Canterbury. The quarrel, which focused largely on the jurisdiction of the church courts, came to a head when Henry issued (1163) the Constitutions of CLARENDON, defining the relationship between church and state, and ended (1170) with Becket's murder, for which Henry was forced by public indignation to do penance. During his reign he gained northern counties from Scotland and increased his French holdings. He was also involved in family struggles. Encouraged by their mother and LOUIS VI of France, his three oldest sons, Henry, RICHARD I, and Geoffrey, rebelled (1173-74) against him. The rebellion collapsed, but at the time of Henry's death, Richard and the youngest son, JOHN, were in the course of another rebellion. 

Henry II (reigned 1154-89) ruled over an empire which stretched from the Scottish border to the Pyrenees. One of the strongest, most energetic and imaginative rulers, Henry was the inheritor of three dynasties who had acquired Aquitaine by marriage; his charters listed them: 'King of the English, Duke of the Normans and Aquitanians and Count of the Angevins'. The King spent only 13 years of his reign in England; the other 21 years were spent on the continent in his territories in what is now France. Henry's rapid movements in carrying out his dynastic responsibilities astonished the French King, who noted 'now in England, now in Normandy, he must fly rather than travel by horse or ship'. 
By 1158, Henry had restored to the Crown some of the lands and royal power lost by Stephen; Malcom IV of Scotland was compelled to return the northern counties. Locally chosen sheriffs were changed into royally appointed agents charged with enforcing the law and collecting taxes in the counties. Personally interested in government and law, Henry made use of juries and re-introduced the sending of justices (judges) on regular tours of the country to try cases for the Crown. His legal reforms have led him to be seen as the founder of English Common Law. 

Henry's disagreements with the Archbishop of Canterbury (the king's former chief adviser), Thomas à Becket, over Church-State relations ended in Becket's murder in 1170 and a papal interdict on England. Family disputes over territorial ambitions almost wrecked the king's achievements. Henry died in France in 1189, at war with his son Richard who had joined forces with king Philip of France to attack Normandy.


130031105. Eleanore D'AQUITAINE was born 1123 in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. She died 31 Mar 1204 in Fontevrault, France.

1122-1204, queen consort first of LOUIS VII of France and then of HENRY II of England; daughter of William X, duke of Aquitaine. Her marriage to Louis was annulled in 1152 and shortly thereafter she married Henry, then duke of Normandy, uniting her vast possessions with his. Two of her sons-RICHARD I and JOHN-became kings of England. Henry's many infidelities caused her to establish her own court (1170) at Poitiers, which became the scene of much artistic activity. She supported her sons in their unsuccessful revolt (1173) against Henry and was confined by Henry until 1185. In 1189 she helped Richard secure the throne

[ www.angelfire.com/freak2/jessicaross_1/aqwg48.htm#430 ]

260062208. Count Of Anjou Geoffrey IV ANGEVIN was born 24 AUG/NOV 1113 in Anjou, France. He died 7 Sep 1151 in Chateau, Eure-et-Loire, France /Le Mans, Maine, France. Count Of Anjou Geoffrey IV ANGEVIN married Empress Heir to the Kingdom of England Matilda Beauclerc/ Maud on 22 May 1127 in Le Mans, Sarthe, France. [Parents] 

260062209. Empress Heir to the Kingdom of England Matilda Beauclerc/ Maud was born 7 Feb 1101/1102 in Winchester, England. She died 10 Sep 1167 in Notre Dame, France.

520124416. Foulkes V DE ANJOU was born 1092 in Anjou, France. He died 10 Nov 1143 in Jerusalem, Isreal. Foulkes V DE ANJOU married Countess of Anjou Erembourg DE BAUGENCY on 11 Jul 1110 in France. [Parents] 

520124417. Countess of Anjou Erembourg DE BAUGENCY "Ermangarde Du Maine" was born 1096 in Maine, France. She died 1126 in Maine, France. [Parents] 

Her parents were:
1040248834. Helie DE BAUGENCY was born 1055/1065.

His parents were:

1040248832. Foulkes IV DE ANJOU was born 1043 in Anjou, France. He died 14 Apr 1109 in Anjou, France. Foulkes IV DE ANJOU married Bertrade De Montfort on 1090/1091. [Parents] 

1040248833. Bertrade De Montfort was born 1059 in Montfort, France. She died 14 Feb 1116/1117 in Pontrevault, France.

2080497664. Aubri-Geoffrey DE GATINAIS was born C. 980. He died 1 Apr 1046. Aubri-Geoffrey DE GATINAIS married Countess Of Anjou Ermengarde De ANJOU on 1035 in France.

2080497665. Countess Of Anjou Ermengarde De ANJOU was born 1018. She died 18 Mar 1075/1076 in Fleury-sur-Ouche, Anjou, France. [Parents] 

4160995330. Count Of Anjou Fulk III De Anjou was born 21 Jun 967. He died 21 Jun 1040 in Metz, Anjou, France. Count Of Anjou Fulk III De Anjou married Hildegarde.

4160995331. Hildegarde was born 998. She died 1 Apr 1040 in Jerusalem, Holy Land.


1. Oud: De eerste vijf generaties 1600-1800 | 2. Ouder: De Leicester stamreeks 967-16003. Oudst: Van Thomas tot Adam
4. Een kort historisch overzicht over Leicester 1585-1588 | 5. De Armada 1588 | 6. Capt. Treffry